How to get more opportunities in your inbox…
It all comes down to two simple words.
The past week or so, nearly every day, I’ve had a new opportunity in my inbox.
Some are potential clients for my brand strategy company.
Others are writers who are curious about my upcoming book training.
And, every now and then, it’s one of you, who want to know when my coaching program will finally start.
Before we get into all of this though, I want to talk about getting more opportunities in your inbox.
It’s just two simple words from the master of productivity, Casey Neistat.
(He’s literally got this phrase tattooed on his arm, backwards, so he can see it in the mirror everyday.)
The phrase is…
Do more.
Whatever that means to you in this instance, right when you read those words, that’s probably what you should be doing.
More of what matters.
Do more outreach. Do more proposals. Do more art. Do more family time. Do more publishing.
Do more of what matters and less of what doesn’t.
Steal every strategy I know about being a prolific writer in my first book, Ink by the Barrel — Secrets From Prolific Writers, right here, for free.