Allow No Single Point of Failure

How to Be An Anti-Fragile Writer — Part 4 of 5

Brock Swinson
2 min readAug 10, 2023
Photo Credit MidJourney

There are seemingly endless underdog stories about one shot at redemption.

Sports movies like Rocky.

Intense dramas like 8 Mile.

Business tales like The Founder.

The list goes on and on.

But here’s what they don’t tell you in those movies…

Creatives don’t have a single point of failure.

You can publish your work in millions of ways.

Blog posts. Screenplays. Emails. Books. YouTube videos. Social posts. Flyers. Performances. Conversations…

Every outlet is not one shot, but the next shot.

The next shot to put your work — your voice — in front of someone eager to experience it.

(This is why Dave Groel hates shows like American Idol that promote a single point of failure.)

This can sound intimidating, because the path is not clearly defined, but actually it’s liberating.

To be an anti-fragile writer, you need to explore multiple pathways to share your work and build your tribe.

Even when you start to find some success, you need to keep exploring multiple pathways.

Because things can change in an instant.

And your tribe can shift from one location to another.

So spread your message. Find your voice. Connect with those people who you can entertain, help, or inspire. And grow.

Just don’t get focused on one method — one gatekeeper — and you’ll find infinite ways to put your work into the world.

Utilizing multiple outlets makes you anti-fragile.

[Stay tuned for the final anti-fragile post: Stick to Simple Rules]




Steal every strategy I know about being a prolific writer in my first book, Ink by the Barrel — Secrets From Prolific Writers, right here, for free.



Brock Swinson
Brock Swinson

Written by Brock Swinson

I Help Creatives Get Their Most Ambitious Work into the World...

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