5 Lessons From Photographer Chase Jarvis that Will Improve Your Creative Process
“The work you do when no one is watching is the work that matters most.”
Chase Jarvis is a renowned photographer and entrepreneur known for his innovative approach to photography.
Additionally, he’s a co-founder of CreativeLive, an online platform that provides creative education, empowering aspiring artists and entrepreneurs.
As a best-selling author, Jarvis has shared his insights and expertise in books like The Best Camera Is The One That’s With You and Creative Calling.
What can you learn from Jarvis? Probably more than you’ll ever need to know, but here are a few things that stood out to me…
Don’t wait until you become a professional. “Pros don’t wait until they’re pros to act like pros. The people who make it are the ones who are willing to show up and do the work without approval, permission, or praise. Don’t fake it till you make it. Make it till you make it.”
Failing is better than not trying. “Failing on any scale is better than not trying in the first place. Nothing happens when efforts stop.”
Your good ideas are a distraction. Focus on what you are doing until it’s done. “Sudden inspirations aren’t innocent. They are your brain’s last-ditch attempts to get you out of doing the work. A fresh idea will always be more appealing than the grind of a project that’s already underway.”
Many of these quotes and ideas come from Chase Jarvis’s remarkable book, Creative Calling. Buy your copy right here.
You have to face the fear that your work may not live up to the idea. “There’s a legitimate fear that if we actually make something, we’ll have to face the true state of our skills and accept how much improvement we still have ahead of us.”
Only experience will help you find the balance between structure and freedom. “The best creators start with a plan. Nothing too rigid. Knowing how to balance structure and flexibility comes only with experience. You don’t need a blueprint, just direction.”
Want more? All of these quotes help make up my first book about the craft of writing, Ink by the Barrel — Secrets From Prolific Writers. Get your copy for free, right here.